Real Life Project Inspection And Coursework Verification For Technical And Vocational Diploma Programs Of July/August 2024 (Year 2 Semester 2, 2023 Intake) Examination Series.

Event Date: July 17, 2024

Exam Centres
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Real-life project inspection and coursework verification for technical and vocational diploma programs of July/August 2024 (Year 2 Semester 2, 2023 Intake) examination series.
This is to inform you that UBTEB will be conducting an inspection of Real-Life Projects for National Technical/Vocational Diploma Programmes commencing from 17th July 2024 for 7 days. This will be followed by a final assessment of the same projects from 12th August 2024. 
Centres are reminded to prepare the candidates with the necessary facilities and requirements for both inspection and final assessment accordingly. UBTEB also further informs institutions that no institutional activities are supposed to be administered during the real-life inspection and assessment periods. 


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Exam Centres
Start date
Start Date 2024-07-17
Due date
Due Date 2024-07-24