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Sensitisation On Hiv/Aids During Briefing Of Candidates For The May/June 2024 Examinations Series

Posted on: April 26, 2024

In pursuit to implement Government of Uganda intervention on HIV/AIDS, and in-line with Guidelines for Multi-sectorial HIV/AIDS mainstreaming in Uganda, February 2018 under the “Presidential Fast track initiative on ending HIV and AIDS in Uganda by 2030,” urging various stakeholders to play a role in creating awareness on HIV/AIDS. Itis important as a key player in the skills development agenda to give information to all candidates on how to stay healthy and free from HIV/AIDS.In our dedication to promoting a healthy nation, we recognize HIV/AIDS as a significant threat to human capital development and human well-being. Since majority of our candidates are the youths, we encourage you to create awareness on prevention, care, treatment and social support to persons living with HIV/AIDS.

 The Board therefore informs all Heads of Centres to incorporate key messages on HIV/AIDS during the briefing of all candidates for the May/June 2024 examinations series scheduled for 8thMay 2024. A copy of the message delivered to candidates on HIV/AIDS shall be enveloped with the report submitted to UBTEB by the Area coordinator fully signed by the Head of the Institution and HIV/AIDS facilitator.

In case of any correspondence on this subject, please contact our focal person on HIV/AIDS mainstreaming

Mrs  Cate Ssemakula
on Tel:  0772499995
or email:

We appreciate your continuous support towards the implementation of critical activities for the smooth conduct of examinations.